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Year in Perspective

The World Business Academy
Is founded on the understanding that business is the dominant institution in society today and the one most capable of responding to rapid change.As such, business must adopt a new tradition of responsibility for the whole. The Academy's mission is to explore and clarify the fundamental paradigm shifts underway globally. Its goal is to enable Academy Members to integrate this knowledge into their lives and business practices and to disseminate it into the world to rekindle the human spirit in business.
Thirty (30) original drawings by Parmlee Gomez
Published in Volume 15 and Volume 17 of The World Business Academy, "Year in Perspective" 2001 & 2003

Drawing by Parmlee Gomez
"The Continuum..."

See Volume 17

Graphics by Parmlee Gomez

check out my A to Z graphics

Drawing by Parmlee Gomez
"Beyond Terror..."

Drawing by Parmlee Gomez
"The Connections..."

See Volume 17

Contact the World Business Academy

"The Academy is not just another association of business people to exchange information and foster collegiality. It is about investing ourselves in a task of historic proportions. Some will be called to this task and many will not. Those who are will find it to be extremely gratifying and fulfilling." Willis Harman, Co-founder

  • Work in Progress
will be available in mid-January.

Drawing by Parmlee Gomez
Anyone Can Draw...